Philodendron Aquarium: The Ultimate Guide to Aquatic Plant Care


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Philodendron Aquarium

Philodendrons are beloved houseplants known for their lush foliage and ability to thrive in various indoor conditions. However, you may be surprised that some philodendron species can flourish in an aquatic environment. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of the Philodendron aquarium. From setting up the tank to caring for these unique plants, we’ll guide you through creating a beautiful underwater oasis.

Choosing the Right Philodendron Species

When creating a philodendron aquarium, selecting the appropriate species that can thrive in water is essential. The two most commonly used species for aquascaping are Philodendron ‘Atom’ and Philodendron ‘Hope.’ Both of these varieties possess robust roots that adapt well to submerged conditions. Before introducing them into the aquarium, it’s crucial to ensure the plants are healthy and free from pests.

Philodendron aquarium

Setting Up the Philodendron Aquarium

To create an optimal environment for your philodendron aquarium, follow these steps:

  1. Tank Selection: Choose a glass aquarium that provides sufficient space for your plants to grow. A 10-gallon tank is a good starting point. Still, larger tanks offer more room for plant development and a better overall aesthetic.
  2. Substrate: Fill the bottom of the tank with a nutrient-rich substrate designed explicitly for aquatic plants; this will provide the philodendrons with essential minerals and promote healthy root growth.
  3. Lighting: Install an appropriate lighting system that simulates natural sunlight. Philodendrons require moderate to bright light to thrive. LED lights with a color temperature around 6500K are ideal for promoting healthy plant growth.
  4. Water Parameters: Maintain suitable water conditions for your philodendron aquarium. The ideal temperature should range between 72-82°F (22-28°C), and the pH level should be slightly acidic, around 6.0-7.0. Regular water testing and maintenance ensure a stable and healthy aquatic environment.
  5. Filtration and Aeration: Install a reliable filtration system to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated. Proper water circulation helps prevent the buildup of algae and other unwanted substances.
the beauty Philodendron aquarium

Planting and Arranging Philodendrons

Now that you have set up the tank, it’s time to introduce the philodendrons into their aquatic habitat. Follow these steps for planting and arranging:

  1. Preparing the Plants: Trim off any damaged or yellow leaves from the philodendron plants. Ensure to leave a few inches of stem intact for proper anchoring in the substrate.
  2. Planting Technique: Gently insert the philodendron stems into the substrate, ensuring they are secure and stable. Space the plants accordingly, considering their potential growth and overall aesthetic appeal.
  3. Background and Foreground Placement: Create depth and visual interest by placing taller philodendrons towards the back of the tank and shorter ones towards the front. This arrangement adds a naturalistic feel to the aquarium.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure your philodendron aquarium thrives, follow these maintenance guidelines:

  1. Watering: Maintain a consistent water level in the tank, ensuring that the roots remain submerged. Avoid overwatering or allowing the water level to drop below the roots for extended periods.
  2. Fertilization: Regularly fertilize the aquarium with a balanced liquid fertilizer formulated for aquatic plants. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm the plants or lead to algae growth.
  3. Pruning: Trim any yellowing or decaying leaves to maintain the plants’ overall health and appearance. Remove excessive growth to prevent overcrowding and ensure proper nutrient distribution.
  4. Algae Control: Maintain optimal lighting levels and control nutrient levels to prevent excessive algae growth. Regular water changes and the introduction of algae-eating fish or invertebrates can help keep algae under control.
beauty Philodendron aquarium


The philodendron aquarium offers a unique and captivating way to bring the beauty of nature into your underwater world. With suitable species selection, proper setup, and ongoing care, you can create a stunning aquascape that combines the elegance of philodendron foliage with the tranquility of an aquarium. Enjoy the process, be patient, and let your creativity flourish as you design your philodendron aquatic paradise. Read article about Chinese Money Plant Drooping and Spider Plant Transplant Shock in Avi Hoffman Garden.


Are philodendrons safe for fish tanks?

Yes, philodendron plants are generally safe for fish tanks. Still, choosing the suitable species and taking some precautions is essential. Certain philodendron species, such as Philodendron ‘Atom’ and Philodendron ‘Hope,’ tolerate submerged conditions in aquariums. However, it’s crucial to ensure the plant is free from harmful chemicals or pesticides before introducing it into the tank. Additionally, some fish species may nibble on the leaves, so monitoring your fish’s behavior and removing the plant if necessary is essential.

Can philodendrons grow in water?

Yes, certain philodendron species can grow in water. Philodendron plants with robust and adaptable roots, such as Philodendron ‘Atom’ and Philodendron ‘Hope,’ are suitable for growing in water. These plants can thrive with their roots submerged in water and even develop new roots in the aquatic environment. It’s essential to provide adequate lighting and nutrients for the plant to ensure healthy growth.

Can you put a philodendron in a betta fish tank?

While putting a philodendron in a betta fish tank is possible, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Betta fish tanks are typically smaller in size, and adding a philodendron plant may reduce the swimming space for the fish. Choosing a small variety of philodendrons that won’t overcrowd the tank and provide enough space for the betta fish to swim comfortably is essential. Additionally, it’s critical to monitor the betta fish’s behavior and ensure they do not damage or eat the plant’s leaves. If the betta fish shows signs of aggression towards the plant, removing it from the tank may be necessary to prevent harm to both the fish and the plant.